It’s been one helluva month since I last wrote. I’ll stick with what’s been the pattern since my little booty landed here in Sri Lanka: run the text of my (totally As The World Turns) personal experiences and life of the past five weeks all around these photos from a glorious, truly glorious, weekend I’ve just had down the coast a piece (65km or so) in a little town called Induruwa. You will note, perhaps, that the text is heavy and worrisome, while the photos are beautiful and light and fluffy. Pictures paint a thousand words, but comparing my pictures with my words illustrates for you this confusing life So Much World, So Little Time is now leading. I don’t know whether I’m going or coming – none of us does, right now, in fact.
The beach in front of my guesthouse, looking south...
...and north.
The view from my guesthouse window on Saturday morning. Yummy! (Big, big ta out to Stephano - our PPD anesthesiologist now back in Italy, who with Judith and Essam spent a night down here while he was awaiting a chance to get up to the peninsula to do his work - for giving me the card for this great guesthouse!) Since most of it’s on official websites (MSF sites, heck even the Sri Lankan government’s peace secretariat had a little piece that mentioned us - go ahead, google it!) now, has been reported on Radio BBC Sri Lanka and many newspapers here in the country, my personal stories will, in fact, refer to the MSF situation here a bit.
But if you want more facts, more details, I strongly recommend you copy the following link and paste all of it into your browser window (Mom, the people in the library can help you with this: and you WANT to do this), which will be active for some period of time after the date this is posted: http://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/news/2006/10-19-2006.cfm. It’s an interview with MSF France’s director of operations about the healthcare needs we’re here to address, and the immediate obstacles we are facing in our quest to address those needs. Other good sites for current updates on Sri Lanka are usually ICRC and various UN sites, such as UNHCR (high commission for refugees) and World Food Program. A good search engine will take you there, and they know much more than I do. And I urge you to find out: I’m told last week’s suicide attacks in Habarana and Galle got front page coverage in parts of the US; but the tragedy (not an overstatement) of Sri Lanka is deeper and has lasted much longer than those two events. I sort of think Americans, as citizens of the world’s most powerful nation (and one that has now arrogated to itself the right to act as the world’s policeman) owe it to the world they dominate to at least have some idea of the lives people live elsewhere. So go ahead – surf the web for ten minutes and find out a bit! [grin] [i have to do that because when i do a smiley face, it shows up on the blog as junk]