an ohio boy travels the world with msf

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

And the PHOTOS Are Here!

Today's big activity was my downright determination (spurred in part by my cousin Pat's supportive comments on the blog about how she hopes to see some photos some time soon and how she'll help me get the USB cable if I can't find one in China) to exhaust all possible avenues for finding the right USB connection here in Paris. And now, a few hours, twenty-plus Euros (i.e., nearly 30 dollars) and more than eight stores later, I am back in the library at MSF headquarters in Paris with my newest electronic gadget, a portable card reader, hooked up. If this entry goes where I want it to (things sometimes appear in odd places in the blog, witness the two train photos below...), then what you will see immediately below are the photos I have taken so far. I am sorry it's not more -- I took some nice scenery and archtitecture shots, and there was one of me in Bordeaux...but, funny thing, turns out my camera has a video function that I didn't know about, and most of those were videos. Oh well. There'll be more from China -- though, fair warning, a new poster on the blog here (see comments from last Thursday's post) has warned me I may not be able to access this blog from China; seems the government there does still try to control access to some forms of information perhaps, even in this digital age...

OK, suggestions for my friends: if you buy a digital camera, don't lose the USB cable. It also helps to read the manual before you start using the thing.

Logging off now. Love y'all and thanks. Send me good wishes for a VISA so I can go to CHINA soon. Pretty please?!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Musée d'Orsay on Easter Sunday

Musée d'Orsay on Easter Sunday

Yes, I finally motivated myself to take advantage of some of Paris's
fabulous museums this past weekend, and am extremely glad I did since
I spent nearly two hours in the special exhibition about "Neo
Impressionists, From Seurat to Klee." This was a FANTASTIC exhibit
with some truly gorgeous paintings that I'd never seen or heard of
before, often by painters I'd never heard of before but whose works I
hope to see again. My only comment is if you go hoping to see lots of
Klee, you will be disappointed -- lots and lots of Seurat, but only
one Klee at the very end, unless I missed some -- which I doubt, since
I loved the exhibit so much I went through once then turned around and
went back through backwards and then forwards again. :-)

Anyway, for those of you who've not yet had the chance to visit this
fantastic museum situated in an old and beautiful railway station on
the left bank of Paris, here is the mandatory shot of the great hall
taken from the viewing platform high up on one end. It's a wonderful
museum, truly.

My Class on the Train (w/o me)

My Class on the Train (w/o me)

Speeding through the French countryside between Bordeaux and Paris, I
found time to snap this shot of, from left to right, Séverine (who
flew to Guinea to start her mission on Sunday), Diane (who's now tying
up loose ends in Montréal before starting her mission), Xavier (who,
despite seeming asleep here, will leave for the Democratic Republic of
Congo tomorrow), and Aggripine (who is home in Burundi now).

The Church Anne Frank Looked At

The Church Anne Frank Looked At

My friend Bart took this picture during our stroll through a Saturday
afternoon in Amsterdam on March 19. In her diary (so Bart tells me; I
can't claim to remember it so well), Anne Frank wrote about looking
out at a church tower and hearing the bells ring, and how that lifted
her spirits sometimes. This is the church immediately next to the Anne
Frank house in Amsterdam.

East Frisia/Ost Friesland

East Frisia/Ost Friesland

After Jens (exchange brother, who spent 1978-79 school year with us in
New Jersey, and with whose family I then spent school year 1980-81 in
Schleswig-Hostein, but whom I had not seen since my last visit to
Germany in 1990) met me at the train station in Emden, we went for a
beautiful and windy walk along the dike by the north sea near where
they live. They are in a flat and green area right by the border
between Germany and Holland, with sky and clean air for miles and

My Class on the Train (without Diane)

My Class on the Train (without Diane)

...or Delphine, who had left the day before for vacation with her
boyfriend (now fiancé, congrats to you both). Left to right it's
Séverine, me, Xavier, and Aggripine. The TGV trains cover the 570 some
kilometers between Bordeaux and Paris in three hours, with only three
stops. Wow. And they're comfortable, too!

Arriving in Paris

Arriving in Paris

On a late afternoon in the late winter, one can still be blessed with
some real beauty. Here's more or less my first view of the Seine
during my perambulations around the capital upon my arrival, February
27. (Eek! It's been more than a month!)

Friday, March 25, 2005

21 Days, 21 Years, and Visa Delays

It's Thursday afternoon in Paris, the magnolias and all the beautiful bulbs are in bloom -- from the jardin des plantes (botanical gardens, where I ran yesterday morning) to jardins de Luxembourg (where the senate meets and I sat and read on Monday) to Pere Lachaise cemetery (not far from where I'm staying, and yes, where I paid homage to Oscar Wilde's tomb yesterday). But first, some updates:

--I won't leave for China until next week: my passport is currently back in NYC, since the Chinese won't issue expedited visas for American citizens here.

--This means I'm all ready to go, finished with my briefings, finished with the last rabies and encephalitis shots, and furnished with an ice pack and a meningitis vaccination to take with me on the plane (can't get that one at the same time as the others)...and now I get to spend easter week in Paris. :-)

Yes, there are worse fates. True MSF's idea of a per diem (23 euros a day) does not cover the real costs of food and basic life here in Paris..but let's face it, with them footing the hotel bill and kicking in that much, this is a great opportunity to improve my French and get to know this gorgeous city very well, much more cheaply than I'd otherwise get to!

Let me also admit the problem with the whole photo thing: I lost the darn USB cable for my camera. Somewhere between packing and repacking and traveling, it's been lost or seriously misplaced, and despite long walks and visits to several computer super centers today, I've not found the right USB connection for my camera. So, sorry -- even though I've now go some real nice photos of myself in Bordeaux, Amsterdam, etc., along with just some decent scenic'll have to wait until I can find the right cable or get to China and order it from there. I truly apologize!

21 days: when I returned to Paris on Sunday, it was exactly 21 days after I'd first arrived here for the training course, and it was a great chance to observe what a difference 21 days can make! Paris itself had gone from snowy and wet to vibrant, sunny and full of flowers and people: kids kicking soccer balls in every free space they could find, families and couples and singles promenading along the Seine and through the was gorgeous! Then on the personal front, so much had changed in a way to let me enjoy it all the much more. From knowing no one in this city earlier, coming back now felt almost like coming home. I had plans for dinner with one of the friends from the course (Xavier, the guy from Paris, who should be off to Democratic Congo in a week); I knew I had work to do at the MSF office the following morning...and so on. It's a cool feeling to come back to a city this special and new to me, and to have a job to do here.

21 years: the only time I was ever in China proper - or the mainland, as we referred to it when I was in Taiwan - was just about exactly 21 years ago this month. Without access to my journals (in storage in LA) I can't verify the exact dates, but it was the spring of 1984. I spent time in Hong Kong, Canton/Guangzhou, and the time only one of those cities was governed from Beijing, and now all three are. I look forward to returning soon, and seeing what's changed and what's new and how my Chinese has held up in the intervening 21 years. Interestingly, I will enter China at Guangzhou this time as well: the flight is Paris to Guangzhou with an internal connection to Nanning from there.

OK, I think that'll be it for now. I have reading to do about the China projects, and more to digest from my briefings this week, but mostly I'm trying to relax, sleep, go to movies and plays to improve my French (saw one new release last night, and have another in 40 minutes next to Centre Pompidou), and do all the reading in French I can manage. So great to be using my languages again!

Love to you all...thanks for your messages on the blog (Mike Wong - I'll try to write you personally soon, but hope you love that book as much as I do; and if you do, consider checking ou Garth Nix's Abhorsen trilogy...which I'm also trying to locate in translation here)...hope I'll get pictures and word about the visa soon. :-) Happy Spring!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

A New Countdown/Canals and Van Gogh

This'll be another quick one because I've got only twenty minutes before this internet cafe shuts down, and since I train back to Paris tomorrow to get started with MSF in earnest, I want to post once before leaving. The clock is now ticking for real; though it's all been real so far, there's been an indefinite quality to the nature of my China posting until I found out, yesterday (Friday) morning, that I have a flight booked and it leaves at 3:15 (15:15) Wednesday afternoon. To be honest, up until this point -- despite the seriousness of my work in France and the intensity and so forth -- the past three weeks have been alomost as much a partially-paid vacation and language practicum in Europe as anything else. But now I know I'm really leaving Wednesday and will, as soon as Thursday afternoon or more likely Friday morning, be working hard to get the books ready to close for March and to learn what I'll need to do once the woman I'm replacing leaves after a week or's all seeming mighty serious!

So anyway, a few more quick images. Three nights, roughly four days, in Germany were highlighted by high quality time with the exchange family with whom I lived twenty five years ago for a year. Having not used my German for fifteen years, it was good to see that it came back very quickly and I was pretty conversant and even almost fluent quite rapidly. Highlight: a fantastic late afternoon and evening with Mutti and Vati (that's mom and dad in English) walking around the historically important and very beautiful Baltic seaport city of Luebeck. It's a city we visited often when I was a student living nearby, but now that the border between East and West Germany, which used to run very nearby, has come down, I have the sense that the city is somehow a bit more lively and alive. We had dinner at a lovely restaurant there and then walked around after dark a bit on a warm evening and saw the city lights reflected in the moat/river that surrounds the main part of old was a really great afternoon and evening.

Other highlights: both the sister and the brother of "my" family have had two (more, in her case) children since last I visited, and what GREAT kids they are! Meeting them, having a chance to hear Daniel practice piano and watch Jan figure out the best way around a board game challenge; chatting with Fabian and Miriam and being treated to a dance performance by Miriam (thanks!) and shown the impressive programming books that 11-year-old Fabian is working on...these were treats! Only sorry Jens and Birget (also a delight finally to meet Birget, with whom Jens has built such a wonderful home and family in the beautifully green coastal and canal area of East Frisia) and I didn't manage a game of Skat...though we did solve some of the of world's problems!

Now I'm in Amsterdam. Having gotten to know much of Europe reasonably well, one way or another, it's a treat to find such a completely DELIGHTFUL city that I've never been to before. I've long assumed I'll love Holland and the Dutch, since those I've met are so interesting and cultured and multilingual. It's nice to find my best expectations fulfilled. What a great way to spend my last weekend in Europe -- the Van Gogh museum (lots of time to ponder the fact that the man really accomplished most of what we know him best for in fewer than six years,and that his whole painting career was ten years...ponder that, says Paul to himself as he sets out on his new journey)...time to have lunch and a nice city walk with my old friend Bart...and above all to relax and walk the canals and see all the gorgeous bulbs start to bloom.

Gotta go. There are pictures of all this that will post from China. The place is shutting down. Sorry. Bye.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Verbal Images: Bordeaux, London...and THANKS!

Hi Everyone --

A partly sunny afternoon in London now after a week that simply flew by. I'll do my best to keep this post shorter since the last was so long. To start, some thanks are in order: I REALLY love reading the comments that folks are posting, so thank you very much to Beth (former colleague) and Pat (cousin), my most reliable posters so far. You should both know I'm committed to resolving the photo thing ASAP, so check back. (I need to figure out software and hardware and connections with computers that aren't mine and don't have my software loaded, etc.) Thanks also to all other posters so far: Steve (brother, though he hasn't figured out how to post again -- anyone who can help, let him know!), Dale (so good to hear from you and thanks for the kind words!), Kate (do I know you in person or only online now?), and Enigma America, whoever you may be. Hope I didn't miss anyone.

Another brief moment of thanks for PETER, you ROCK -- you have no idea how much I'm LOVING the ability to just hang around in your gorgeous apartment here in London while you are out of town, listening to Philip Glass's Akhnaten on your stereo and doing my laundry! This is JUST what the doctor ordered, and I feel completely blessed in having these few days to unwind after the intense training. ( Not to mention being able to invite my dear friend Howard over for a very relaxed and civilized and smoke free breakfast this morning.)

Humble thanks to you all, as well as the readers who haven't commented yet. You are my community and bring meaning to what I am doing.

Now just two verbal "snapshots," if you will.

Image one: Wednesday night in the MSF Logistique (it's what it sounds like) training center at Bordeaux, around 10:00. Delphine had already left (bye, Delphine; have a GREAT vacation in Tanzania with Michael, and good luck on the new mission at the orphanage in Khartoum!), so it was us five remaining students, plus Tierry (head of finance for MSF-France) and Frank from the MSF Logistique operations's been a long day that included our last financial policy classes, followed by a quick afternoon summary on the mechanics of disaster relief from a logistical standpoint -- what to focus on, which questions to ask, etc.; followed by a film and discussion about cholera and cholera epidemic response and treatment. Now we've had dinner, all the while discussing (in French, of course) various policy and practical issues around disaster and humanitarian relief. Dinner's been cleared, and over wine and cheese (GREAT double-cream chevre!) we're talking the politics of malaria treatment in countries whose ministries of health have not yet approved a drug cocktail treatment protocol, which is generally known(as I understand it to be the currently most effective treatment). And there's Paul, doing my best to stay completely in the moment: fewer than five months after I first conceived the idea that international nonprofit relief and humanitarian work was my goal, and that using my languages wanted to be a big part of it, and wanting to feel part of something bigger than just me in my apartment I am, in a community of people I hadn't met 11 days earlier, yet with whom I now have bonds of shared time and common interest, using my French to express myself and understand them on matters that truly touch life and death for the 5,000 people worldwide who die EVERY DAY of malaria, for lack of drugs that are quite inexpensive compared to just about any developed-world national budget item. It was a very sweet moment: caught on the cusp, not yet working with MSF, but being carefully trained and prepared; savoring a great meal in great company in a just-right (not too expensive, nor too cheap)training center, and knowing I'll shortly be off to do what I can to support our two projects in China: AIDS treatment in Guangxi, and all-round support (housing, nutritional, psychological, and medical) for street children in Shaanxi.

Second image, going to Paul's use of his languages which lay dormant for the duration of my (fondly remembered and greatly appreciated) business career: yesterday, first full day in London (took the EuroStar train through the chunnel late Thursday -- way cool). Still finishing the French translation of The Amber Spyglass, while sitting in the all-you-can eat Thai buffet off SoHo Square, noticing that the wait staff are all speaking I shift from my French book to striking up a Chinese conversation with them about where they're from (Liaoning) and so on...and then move on to the phone booth to call my German family and let them know when I expect to arrive at their home outside Hamburg on Tuesday. For someone who wanted to feel more engaged in the world at large again, and to be using my languages again, I count myself very lucky to be able have accomplished so much so fast. And I remind myself to keep living in the moment, and cherishing this remarkable gift of a life in which I can follow my own path with such support from friends and family. Was that too gooey? Sorry.

I may not write a lot more for the next couple weeks, until I'm in China. I'll try to post some photos (me at the house in Bordeaux, my class on the train, etc.), but the next ten days will be London, Hamburg, perhaps Amsterdam (maybe Zurich, but I've a feeling I won't make it, sorry, time)...then Paris to brief and get last shots and health checks before departure. I should be in Guangxi by about March 24 or 25, and the folks there have already started sending me e-mails and some reports, so I've got my train reading!

Thanks again. I know I say it a lot and I'm sorry if it's too much, but knowing I have an audience that appreciates these means the world to me. And Beth, hang in there. When in doubt, go with your gut and remember to be who you really are, not who someone at work or outside you wants or needs you to be. :-)

Saturday, March 05, 2005

City of Light

Howdy dear folks, from a somewhat slushy early Saturday afternoon in the City of Light. Since I promised executive summaries, here it is -- even though I think I want this entry as a whole to be a bit more expressive, really:
--Administrator training at MSF HQ in Paris is more than half over, with five solid days behind me, the weekend off, and a group train trip to Bordeaux tomorrow for the last four days of class.
--Confirmation came Thursday afternoon that I am definitely on for the China post (but putting it so bluntly takes away from the experience, so I suggest reading on) and will most likely head out around the 24th or so of March, from Paris.

Now for the more fun parts...let us, as we say in what I'm learning is "MSF speak," look at the "context on the ground." Many friends commented in the last few weeks before I left that "you must be SO excited." To be honest, I was generally far too busy -- more or less from December right through pretty much the end of class yesterday -- to FEEL the excitement. I knew it was there, lurking beneath the focus, but I was absorbed in what I knew I had to accomplish. Please note, they were things I was proud to be accomplishing -- this was not the heavy busy-ness of obligation, but the proud busy-ness of responsibilities I'd chosen and wanted to complete with integrity.

As you probably know, the reason for being in Oberlin was principally to become the driving force behind a booklet presenting Shansi's 100-year history of educational, social and cultural exchanges between Asia and the U.S. through illustrations with a narrative thread that discussed themes and events. Once I got word from MSF NY that I would likely be doing what I am, in fact, now doing -- that is, leaving Oberlin easily a month earlier than I'd really thought I would -- I went into overdrive. In the course of 16 days, we took the booklet from nonexistant, to a 24-page very solid first draft, designed in a 4/c mockup format that looked AWESOME. I have rarely felt more proud than when the designer brought in his first design. I'd written the entire text in about three days (lots of late nights, etc.), and was delighted it held together as well as it did. Anyway -- so then we had our committee meeting (Friday and Saturday, February 25 and 26), at which I chaired my last subcommittee meetings (at least until I'm back in the U.S.), and then literally when the meeting ended, a week ago, I hopped in Laura's car for the drive to Cleveland airport and on via Chicago and Heathrow to Paris de Gaulle. Boom. Just like that.

So my first excitement -- the first chance it really had to break through -- was that first afternoon in Paris: landed in time to have most of a sunny late afternoon for wandering from my hotel on the northeastern edge of the Marais, down past Place de la Bastille, and along the Seine, where they shut the traffic down on Sunday afternoons so folks can promenade along the riverfront. It was great...and I was reminded -- twenty four years after I last visited it -- how truly gorgeous this city is. But remember: MSF had been very careful to make sure I understood that my actual placement in the China post would depend on how well things went with the training to start the next French...about bookkeeping and human resource policy...with what I imagined would be a bunch of very high-powered French people snickering at my feeble attempts to express myself.

First three days of class: very intense, very focused. LOTS of HR policy and even philosophy in fact. A major focus for MSF right now is how to develop the "national staff" -- meaning staff of the country in which the project is happening -- so that they can become stable long-term staff members of the organization at the coordination and country-management level and beyond. Understand that the classic model for MSF has been a coordination and management team of expatriates with developed-world training and experience (all of them on short-term assignments of usually a year or less), working with and training national or local staff at each project site. In the past two years or so, MSF France (at least -- perhaps other operational sections as well) has placed increasing emphasis on long-term retention and training of a strong corps of local staff in each country where they work. Naturally, for an organization run out of Paris and whose lines of reporting usually come through an international developed-world corps of expats working three to twelve-month contracts...there are many aspects to be sorted out to accomplish these goals!

That was the first three days, and on Wednesday morning I sort of hit my low point. I'd seen the HR officer in charge of the China projects on Tuesday afternoon to ask some questions about timing for appointments to complete my vaccination series, and to get the pre-departure health checks and tests...and she'd been quite noncommittal, a la "but you understand that if you don't go to China then we wouldn't really be needing the vaccinations, of course" variety. Again, understand how MSF-F works: these guys are the experts at true emergencies, and within the MSF family, France is known also as the bare-bones folks who devote the highest chunk of resources directly to project stuff. So when it comes to expat volunteers like myself...especially first mission expats...we sort of have to let ourselves float freely until all the stars align right: staff (both expat and national) in the field agreeing on when the replacement needs to happen and what kind of person they want; more importantly, in the case of administrative jobs, both HR and Finance here in Paris agreeing on what the key parameters for selecting a replacement are, then combing through the pool of all possible available candidates coming in from offices all over the world, to see if there might be someone slightly stronger in a key area than me for this specific post, even if that would mean delaying a bit before filling the spot, and if so where would they send me instead -- i.e., what other project or country is crying out right now for someone with my apparent skill set. You get the drift. And I knew all this -- but it is a little hard when you've packed your bags, said goodbye, and mentally remember that until you are on the plane, nothing is really definite with MSF-F! (And that still applies, really -- I mean, I sort of know it'll happen...but they might decide they need me somewhere else even more, still.)

So Wednesday morning the jet lag, the culture lag, the accumulation of so much work and so many changes, and no yoga or tennis or workout in a week or more, combined to bring me pretty far down -- I was just frustrated and trying to stay focused in class, and to really understand all that was being said and to be appropriately responsive. I did manage to let go, and remind myself that none of this really matters -- that I'll find the right path for myself, and that the process really is more important than the outcome...but I did still spend some time wondering what I'd do if I got sent back to the U.S.! :-) By Thursday morning things were going better, and we were getting into very hands-on stuff: indeed, after spending most of the first three days getting presentations and discussing HR policy, and reading and making comments on forms and so on...between Thursday and Friday, I learned two new software programs: both in French, one to track history and salary and payroll information on national staff (brand new, version 0.7 -- not even beta yet!); and one (all day yesterday) for all the bookkeeping and accounting that I'll be doing in the job. This was fun -- I suppose only a geek like me could be thrilled at learning exciting French words like "pointage" (double-checking, as in bank statement against check book) or "lettrage" (backing up, as in checking receipts for expenses). And having spent my professional career AROUND accountants without ever being one, it's kind of fine to learn how great some of the computer tools are -- the system (custom made) that MSF has is pretty darn cool. Can't wait to start using it -- and the scary part is in pretty much exactly one month, I'll be starting to close the March books, in China, on a project I will know precious little about at that time.

Thursday afternoon at lunch, my HRO (HR officer) told me that in fact China looked about 98% -- apparently three folks needed to sign off: the HR director (VERY impressive) in charge of national staff policy and direction and the HR officer tracking the pool of administrators internationally, with both of whom I worked closely the first four days; and the head of finance for all of MSF-F, with whom I will work closely in Bordeux apparently. During the afternoon session on Thursday, my HRO came and showed me a contract packet for me -- something which apparently tells me that I have the green light now. So. As of that moment I felt able to start really planning, and here's what we've got: Thursday we come back from Bordeaux and I will head to London immediately with high hopes of good times with many friends there (Tracy and family; Peter; Howard and Gene, others if around); Monday I'll head to Hamburg (anyone with thoughts on cheap and fast transit London to HH, let me know: looks like I might have to fly to Cologne then train to HH to keep time and fare reasonable); and by Sunday, March 20 I'm due back in Paris, to get final medical stuff done and be briefed for the mission starting on Monday the 21st. I think I'll probably go to Amsterdam the last couple days before coming to Paris, just because I've never been and this might be a good time to do it, plus perhaps I can see a friend in Den Haag as well.

OK, that's a lot of detail and I apologize if it's too much. I feel so liberated, and as of the end of class yesterday I truly am feeling excited and outrageously blessed -- walking from Place de la Bastille (my hotel, and MSF, are both nearby there) down to Jardins de Luxembourg (I'm in an internet cafe close to La Sorbonne right now) today, I kept grinning and repeating to myself "man, life sure is great." :-) I mean, after all: true, I'm working hard, and true, I'm giving up my developed world salary and perks and lifestyle. But let's put things in context: this is my first-ever international trip on someone else's tab (MSF paid for the flights and the hotel, plus $15 a day toward food while the course is on -- of course the intra-Europe travel and expenses are fully on me); and right now, since we actually don't have class on the weekend -- which I thought we would, but enfin...on est Francais -- I've got a weekend free in Paris, with a (decent) hotel paid by MSF, and the chance to go where I will - Versailles, Giverny, Chartres...still making up my mind for both today and tomorrow. Then tomorrow, MSF takes me by train to Bordeaux. Oh, and last night I had one of the most wonderful meals of my life in the non-smoking room(!) at cafe de l'industrie, with one of my classmates, a lovely woman from Montreal who may be off to Liberia shortly. The others in my class are another young American (Belgian dual citizen and strong French), a young woman from Burundi who's worked with MSF-F in Burundi for several years and is being trained to take on full admin responsibilities in another country, as MSF-F reduces operations in Burundi; and then two Parisians, a man with Ernst and Young background and a woman who's worked with some other NGO's in Africa. They're all wonderful and I really love the vibe in the class...and my French is getting pretty darn good. :-)

OK. I think that's it. I've taken some photos here in Paris but don't yet know how to download them from my brand new digital camera, so stay tuned. I'll try to load some before I leave Europe.

Wow. Hope I've not bored you too badly. Please drop some comments on gotta register, I think, but I think it's easy. And I love to read from you here. Much love! Be well! Wish me luck.... :-)